Sunday, August 24, 2008

Archimedes Life and Death

Archimedes was born in the year 287 b.c in the harbor town of Syracuse, Greece (now Italy). Even though there is not much recorded about his childhood, we can guess that he live the average life: working, cleaning, and most importantly going to school. Archimedes father was Phidias, an astronomer. There are no records about his mother.
In his teens, Archimedes, he was sent to Egypt to study with mathematicians who learn from another famous mathematician of the time named Euclid. In the many years to follow, Archimedes was to discover many great things. He would make discoveries about density, leverage, circles and cylinders, volume, and many other things (see inventions and discoveries). Later on in his life, the Siege of Syracuse broke out. He designed weapons to defend his home town, they worked. But sadly, in the year 212 b.c, a soldier killed Archimedes even though he had orders to spare him. Legend has it that his last words were " Do not disturb my circles!".

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